Jess and I are slowly but surely emptyingout the house we've been calling home this past year. Every night we try and get through a few more totes of stuff. Here's a tip: the next time you move, go out and buy 50 bucks worth of those big rubbermaid totes. When my dad did this for their last move I thought he had lost his yo yo's, but it is actually 1 million times easier than boxes or bags. Despite my doubting, my parents were gracious enough to let us borrow their accumulated collection of totes (4 sizes in 3 colors!) for this move, if you can call it that. Anyway, most nights Jess does the packing, while I pretend to clean up the house and actually watch Law & Order. The penetance for this sin is the duty of making dinner, which most nights I enjoy doing. Last night was a failure, however. To compound our frustrations, our biggest lead for a renter fell apart. We got so upset we totally missed The Office. Don't worry, it was a re-run...I hope.
Instead, we went for a brisk walk in the freshly fallen 6 inches of snow. It's pretty unbelievable to leave this whole "winter" thing behind, as I mentioned in my last post. Jess and I both grew up around a lot of snow, and I have to wonder if there's such thing as "reverse seasonal affective disorder." Some may wonder if there is such thing as "seasonal affective disorder" in the first place. To these naysayers I challenge: If Wikipedia says it's so, there's no denying it!
OK, since this will be our last weekend in Albany, I thought I'd post a few photos from our journey through the snow last night. Grab the hot chocolate and a singing reindeer doll before venturing further!

Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas time...