Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Swearing In is a Success!

It’s official, Jess and I are bonified volunteers of Peace Corps – Nicaragua! We swore in yesterday in a ceremony officiated by the U.S. Ambassador, Paul Trivelli. Our training families and colleagues at Peace Corps were there for the ceremony, not to mention a bunch of the local TV stations.

We’ve been celebrating and enjoying a few final hours with our fellow Nica 46’ers, but slowly but surely people are pealing off for their sites. Jess and I were planning to head up to Somoto Saturday, but she’s managed to come down with something fierce and has been virtually bed-ridden today. We’re going to give it a try tomorrow morning on the 9:45 express bus, so we’ll see if she’s feeling better.

Here are the three Santa Teresa Trainees and their families.

Here´s El Rosario.

And here are all 18 of us!

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