It’s official! Jess and I will be spending the next two years of Peace Corps service in Somoto, Madriz, Nicaragua. Somoto is the department head and has a population 137,000 people. It’s located 200 km north of Managua and only about 50 km from the Honduran border. Apparently, the majority of the population works in basic grains production (corn and beans), but there is fledgling coffee production throughout the area as well. Somoto is called “The City of Donkeys” and I honestly have no idea why. It’s known for it’s rosquillas, which are kind of like round Cheeze-Its. Jess likes them, but I have yet to acquire the taste. The climate in Somoto is considerably cooler than the majority of Nicaragua – we’ll see just how cool this weekend.
We are meeting with our future work colleagues this week to discuss how we’d like to organize our work week. Jess and I will be working completely independently from each other, in fact for different organizations. Jess has been assigned to SILAIS, the department level government agency that handles health promotion, program level planning, epidemiological research, and MINSA (see previous post) policy implementation. I’ll be working in the Centro de Salud, which is the place people go to get medical attention. Health promoters in the Centro de Salud actually go around the community giving health talks, participating in baby weighing sessions, and working with already established groups (church groups, farmer’s co-ops, etc.) to promote healthier living.
There are several non-profits with offices in Somoto, as well. I’m most excited to find work with the World Food Programme and a Spanish NGO that focuses on food security named Accion Contra el Hambre. Jess would like to work with PROFAMILIA, a local NGO working with youth on reproductive health issues, as well as Horizonte 3000, another youth organization that does radio and TV spots promoting healthier living practices.
The great part about this is that while our home bases will be SILAIS and the Centro de Salud, we are free to work with any group or organization we’d like. For instance, there is a small NGO working on solar energy in Somoto. If we like the work they’re doing, we can take 5 or 10 hours a week out of our Health Center time and work with that NGO. Really, our only boss is the Peace Corps, allowing us to circumvent the normal power structures needed to get things done in Nicaragua.
Needless to say, Jess and I are extremely excited about this site. There is plenty of working we’re interested in. All of the amenities we will need (cell phone, internet, good restaurants) will be readily available in Somoto. Also, it looks like there are some beautiful spots to explore right outside of town, namely the Canyon de Somoto. It’s going to be great!
We are meeting with our future work colleagues this week to discuss how we’d like to organize our work week. Jess and I will be working completely independently from each other, in fact for different organizations. Jess has been assigned to SILAIS, the department level government agency that handles health promotion, program level planning, epidemiological research, and MINSA (see previous post) policy implementation. I’ll be working in the Centro de Salud, which is the place people go to get medical attention. Health promoters in the Centro de Salud actually go around the community giving health talks, participating in baby weighing sessions, and working with already established groups (church groups, farmer’s co-ops, etc.) to promote healthier living.
There are several non-profits with offices in Somoto, as well. I’m most excited to find work with the World Food Programme and a Spanish NGO that focuses on food security named Accion Contra el Hambre. Jess would like to work with PROFAMILIA, a local NGO working with youth on reproductive health issues, as well as Horizonte 3000, another youth organization that does radio and TV spots promoting healthier living practices.
The great part about this is that while our home bases will be SILAIS and the Centro de Salud, we are free to work with any group or organization we’d like. For instance, there is a small NGO working on solar energy in Somoto. If we like the work they’re doing, we can take 5 or 10 hours a week out of our Health Center time and work with that NGO. Really, our only boss is the Peace Corps, allowing us to circumvent the normal power structures needed to get things done in Nicaragua.
Needless to say, Jess and I are extremely excited about this site. There is plenty of working we’re interested in. All of the amenities we will need (cell phone, internet, good restaurants) will be readily available in Somoto. Also, it looks like there are some beautiful spots to explore right outside of town, namely the Canyon de Somoto. It’s going to be great!

Here´s a burning sugar cane field up in Chinandega. They do this on purpose, but I´m not sure why. We stayed in Corinto, about 50 kms past this farm and the city was covered in the ash from this fire. Needless to say, respitory illnesses are a huge problem in Nicaragua.

Here´s Matt eating a pastry. Jess has such a good eye for great pictures.

Hey Dad (Dave)! This guy was wearing a Lafayette College shirt in the Corinto Health Center. Pretty much every week one of us sees a shirt from a place in the States. They are all donated down here and end up with people who have no idea what they say. Jess saw a shirt from a Barbeque place outside of Rochester. One guy in our group saw a shirt from a water polo tournament he participated in 5 years ago!

Here´s Matt eating a pastry. Jess has such a good eye for great pictures.

Hey Dad (Dave)! This guy was wearing a Lafayette College shirt in the Corinto Health Center. Pretty much every week one of us sees a shirt from a place in the States. They are all donated down here and end up with people who have no idea what they say. Jess saw a shirt from a Barbeque place outside of Rochester. One guy in our group saw a shirt from a water polo tournament he participated in 5 years ago!
I'm so excited for you guys that you know where you'll be! It sounds like there is work to be done right in the areas/topics you've found passion about in the past few years. Congratulations!!! Also, thanks for making a point to update your blog on a regular basis. It is so interesting and reassuring to be reading about your lives and to feel like we're all still connected.
It is amazing about the t-shirts! Let us know if you see a Hobart-William Smith, Rutgers or Buffalo State!
As a mom I am glad to read about your assignment site. I am sure you will have much to do and it will be interesting, rewarding and frustrating at times. It sounds like when the parents all come down we will have much to see. Check out the hotels for us sometime.
The students are really getting into their journals reacting to your posts. You are both very informative and you have a great style of writing.
Let us know more about the area, culture and people.
We love you and miss you.
Don’t believe one optimistic word from any public figure about the economy or humanity in general. They are all part of the problem. Its like a game of Monopoly. In America, the richest 1% now hold 1/2 OF ALL UNITED STATES WEALTH. Unlike ‘lesser’ estimates, this includes all stocks, bonds, cash, and material assets held by America’s richest 1%. Even that filthy pig Oprah acknowledged that it was at about 50% in 2006. Naturally, she put her own ‘humanitarian’ spin on it. Calling attention to her own ‘good will’. WHAT A DISGUSTING HYPOCRITE SLOB. THE RICHEST 1% HAVE LITERALLY MADE WORLD PROSPERITY ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE. Don’t fall for any of their ‘humanitarian’ CRAP. ITS A SHAM. THESE PEOPLE ARE CAUSING THE SAME PROBLEMS THEY PRETEND TO CARE ABOUT. Ask any professor of economics. Money does not grow on trees. The government can’t just print up more on a whim. At any given time, there is a relative limit to the wealth within ANY economy of ANY size. So when too much wealth accumulates at the top, the middle class slip further into debt and the lower class further into poverty. A similar rule applies worldwide. The world’s richest 1% now own over 40% of ALL WORLD WEALTH. This is EVEN AFTER you account for all of this ‘good will’ ‘humanitarian’ BS from celebrities and executives. ITS A SHAM. As they get richer and richer, less wealth is left circulating beneath them. This is the single greatest underlying cause for the current US recession. The middle class can no longer afford to sustain their share of the economy. Their wealth has been gradually transfered to the richest 1%. One way or another, we suffer because of their incredible greed. We are talking about TRILLIONS of dollars. Transfered FROM US TO THEM. Over a period of about 27 years. Thats Reaganomics for you. The wealth does not ‘trickle down’ as we were told it would. It just accumulates at the top. Shrinking the middle class and expanding the lower class. Causing a domino effect of socio-economic problems. But the rich will never stop. They will never settle for a reasonable share of ANYTHING. They will do whatever it takes to get even richer. Leaving even less of the pie for the other 99% of us to share. At the same time, they throw back a few tax deductable crumbs and call themselves ‘humanitarians’. Cashing in on the PR and getting even richer the following year. IT CAN’T WORK THIS WAY. Their bogus efforts to make the world a better place can not possibly succeed. Any 'humanitarian' progress made in one area will be lost in another. EVERY SINGLE TIME. IT ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT WORK THIS WAY. This is going to end just like a game of Monopoly. The current US recession will drag on for years and lead into the worst US depression of all time. The richest 1% will live like royalty while the rest of us fight over jobs, food, and gasoline. Crime, poverty, and suicide will skyrocket. So don’t fall for all of this PR CRAP from Hollywood, Pro Sports, and Wall Street PIGS. ITS A SHAM. Remember: They are filthy rich EVEN AFTER their tax deductable contributions. Greedy pigs. Now, we are headed for the worst economic and cultural crisis of all time. SEND A “THANK YOU” NOTE TO YOUR FAVORITE MILLIONAIRE. ITS THEIR FAULT. I’m not discounting other factors like China, sub-prime, or gas prices. But all of those factors combined still pale in comparison to that HUGE transfer of wealth to the rich. Anyway, those other factors are all related and further aggrivated because of GREED. If it weren’t for the OBSCENE distribution of wealth within our country, there never would have been such a market for sub-prime to begin with. Which by the way, was another trick whipped up by greedy bankers and executives. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. The credit industry has been ENDORSED by people like Oprah, Ellen, Dr Phil, and many other celebrities. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. Now, there are commercial ties between nearly every industry and every public figure. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. So don’t fall for their ‘good will’ BS. ITS A LIE. If you fall for it, then you’re a fool. If you see any real difference between the moral character of a celebrity, politician, attorney, or executive, then you’re a fool. WAKE UP PEOPLE. ITS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. The 1% club will always say or do whatever it takes to get as rich as possible. Without the slightest regard for anything or anyone but themselves. Vioxx. Their idea. Sub-prime. Their idea. NAFTA. Their idea. Outsourcing. Their idea. The commercial lobbyist. Their idea. The multi-million dollar lawsuit. Their idea. $200 cell phone bills. Their idea. $200 basketball shoes. Their idea. $30 late fees. Their idea. $30 NSF fees. Their idea. $20 DVDs. Their idea. Subliminal advertising. Their idea. The MASSIVE campaign to turn every American into a brainwashed credit card, pharmaceutical, love-sick, celebrity junkie. Their idea. All of which concentrate the world’s wealth and resources and wreak havok on society. All of which have been CREATED AND ENDORSED by celebrities, athletes, and executives. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. So don’t fall for their ‘ good will’ ‘humanitarian’ BS. ITS A SHAM. NOTHING BUT TAX DEDUCTABLE PR CRAP. Bottom line: The richest 1% will soon tank the largest economy in the world. It will be like nothing we’ve ever seen before. and thats just the beginning. Greed will eventually tank every major economy in the world. Causing millions to suffer and die. Oprah, Angelina, Brad, Bono, and Bill are not part of the solution. They are part of the problem. EXTREME WEALTH HAS MADE WORLD PROSPERITY ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE. WITHOUT WORLD PROSPERITY, THERE WILL NEVER BE WORLD PEACE OR ANYTHING EVEN CLOSE. GREED KILLS. IT WILL BE OUR DOWNFALL. Of course, the rich will throw a fit and call me a madman. Of course, their ignorant fans will do the same. You have to expect that. But I speak the truth. If you don’t believe me, then copy this entry and run it by any professor of economics or socio-economics. Then tell a friend. Call the local radio station. Re-post this entry or put it in your own words. Be one of the first to predict the worst economic and cultural crisis of all time and explain its cause. WE ARE IN BIG TROUBLE.
Matt, if you want to know why they burn the sugarcane fields, it's a step involved when harvesting by hand--is burns away dry dead leaves, and kills any venomous snakes hiding in the crop. The stalks and roots of sugarcane go unharmed. Then the sugarcane is ready for harvesting.
So happy to hear that all is going well over there. I've been catching up on posts recently and this all sounds so exciting and totally makes me miss my time abroad. I especially love the government's handling of mail! If you get anytime for vacation or leisurely trips, I got this email today and thought of you(
Don't know if you're keeping up with the news back home, but Letterman's top 10 the other night was Spitzer's excuses for involvement with prostitutes and #7 was aptly "Have you ever been to Albany?" Mark asked why we only live in states with governors involved in sex scandals.
Keep sharing the details of your adventures so that I can continue to live vicariously through you.
We miss you here in Albany!
my family is from somoto
im glad to hear that people want to help such a beautiful town like that one.
the help from the "alcaldeza" from spain has really helped somoto.
I know you'll guys have a blast and the culture and the food is amazing!
youll gain some pounds lol
hope you guys have fun!
also, theres a small place called " la grama" right next to somoto by the big mountain. if you guys have the chance to go and visit, youll love it!
alot of help is needed in that area
ive helped myself
my family lives there
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