Thursday, February 7, 2008

Week 4 Frustrations

So for me, week four has been a bit of a trial. First of all - I haven´t been feeling well. My stomach has been upset for about a week and I was worried that I might have a parasite. It looks like that isn´t the case - its probably just adjusting to a completely different style of cooking. And my ear has been bothering me - the doctor thinks that it is likely alergies, but at times I have a hard time hearing, and when you are speaking a new language, that makes things difficult.

Second, I experienced my first frustration this week with the communication options in Nicaragua. Up until now, I have lived a pretty routine life in Rosario, with little need or desire to reach the outside world. But on Wednesday, I was supposed to meet with another aspirante in the nearby town of Jinotepe to travel with her to Managua. She only lives about 10 minutes from me by bus. On Thursday night, she tried to call me to coordinate travel. The cell phone died. I tried to call back, but the house phone can´t call a cell phone. My mom has a cell phone, but she has a movistar phone, not claro - the company that the other aspirante´s family has. So, I had to guess about what time she might be going to Jinotepe. It worked out and we made it to the University bus stop in Managua. But there was a bit of a miscommunication with Peace Corps and we thought we were being picked up, but ended up walking to the office (not far, but an interesting experience in Managua, a city infamous for residents who give bad directions when questioned about nearby sites).

And I am a bit sad. Because Matt is going so far away for his volunteer visit, he has to leave early and we can´t spend any time together this weekend. I suppose that it is not a big deal - we do have two years to become sick of each other. But having had a fairly trying week, I wish that I had a bit of time to process it with someone.

But, that said, I think that this is all part of the Peace Corps process - adjusting, adjusting, adjusting - learning, learning, learning. And I am still really happy that we are here.

I´m sorry that I am not posting any pictures. Matt has our computer in Santa Teresa and the pictures are on my camera. I thought that I could download them directly from the camera, but the person operating the cyber cafe in our town didn´t know what the password was to use new hardware on the computer. So, sorry, there won´t be any pictures of the beach until at least next weekend (we won´t be back from volunteer visits until next week).

I recieved a nice letter in the mail from my parents last week - also sealed by the Nicaraguan post office when found ópen´ - very kind of them. Thats all for now!


Zee said...

Hi Jess, I'm sorry you're having a tough week. I'm glad you can share it with us at least through the internet, and we can send you well wishes and good thoughts from here. I think of you as pretty optimistic- I'm pretty sure you'll pull through :) PS, we got another foot of snow today. I wish I was where it's warm with you :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Jess, we are sorry you are having a difficult time this week. We are glad you can at least "talk" to us.
I hope you feel better soon and you get some time with Matthew.
I saw Megan and Erin last night. Megan says to say hi. Erin is as wild as ever...all smiles and energy.
I look forward to seeing your photos.
When did you go to the beach? Can't wait to hear about it.
We love you.

Anonymous said...

Jess: First rule, take care of yourself. As an old earache guy, even needed an operation on it when I was a kid. Nothing to tough your way through. Keep an eye on it.

Being away from Matt is a real bummer, you know a few days fine, when you are busy, but it does stink when you need some TLC. I bet he needs some too. Take care, we think about you all the time.

Anonymous said...

Jess ~ Hope you bounce back quickly ... it has been exciting sharing your experience this way. With love to you and Matt from your former "home away from home" ... ! Stu

Jeff said...

Hi Jess & Matt, My name is Jeffa nd I'm a PCV in Belize. I'm trying to plan a short trip to Nicaragua in March and am trying to get a hold of PCVs living in the west of the country for travel and lodging advice. Do you have the email address for your CD. I know George Baldino, is he still your CD. I tried the email I had for him but it didn't work. Anyway, any addresses or advice you may have would be much appreciated. Great blog. Thanks,

Unknown said...

Hi Jess & Matt!!

Emer sent me the link to your blog when I asked about you guys - so I've been reading regularly. Although this post is a bit less upbeat than the others, it sounds like its going to be an amazing two years!

Jess- thought you'd be happy to hear the GSO office opened this week! 100 free prints per month for all SPH students. We have been giving you credit in any and all conversations - it wouldn't have happened without you!

Keep having fun!! Adios! Lindsay

Anonymous said...

Jess (& Matthew)
I was really sorry (and worried) about your not feeling well. Will worry until I hear from you again!
Happy Valentine's Day! I also think it is great that you can express yourself (somewhat)with us.
Wish I could be there to comfort you and tell you everything will be all right, (you know it's just a "Mom" thing). I miss talking to you and seeing you. Think of you often and tell everyone how you are doing! Gram M. says "hi" and she is worried about you. I also agree with Cathy that you just need to spend some time with Matthew. It's a hard adjustment to make. I am looking forward to hearing from you or Matthew soon!
Love you both!!

Unknown said...

Matt and Jess-

I think Jeff the PCV that commented is an old Clark student and friend of my former roommates- small world.

Second. I love hearing all the updates.

espero que todo esta bien alla, y que uds pasan buen tiempo con personas simpaticos, y comida buena. ya estoy pensando en un viaje a visitarse, - quiero saber que estan haciendo en el trabajo, con el centro de salud, todo- los quiero mucho, cuiden se, y hablamos pronto.

- Rebecca

Alli said...

Hi Jess & Matt -

We hope that things are going a little better for you - and that you
are feeling better.
From reading all the posts, it does sound like you're learning a lot and I'm sure that we will keep enjoying the pictures and stories for years to come!
Have a great time, we miss you!
Alli & Adam

Anonymous said...

I am testing to see if this works.
Love, Matt's dad

Anonymous said...

HI Jess & Matt: I will try this again. Your description of the trying to see one another on Valentine's Day had me laughing, I just pictured you going back and forth all day and waving at one another as the buses passed. You may be too you to remember the Kingston Trio song about the MTA in Boston when Charlie couldn't pay the new fare, so his wife had to come down to the station and pass him a sandwich. So I could see you blowing kisses as you went by. How did you solve it? Glad you got together. Today, we fight snow.