Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Hello from Managua!

So our trip down was fairly uneventful. We got through customs very easily. Even the commute to the hotel was easy. It is with walking distance of the airport. However, in that short little walk it was definitely clear we weren't in Kansas anymore.

The road we need to cross was a 4 lane highway. Speeding past were old school busses painted all sorts of crazy colors. They were just stopping in the middle of 50 mph traffic to pick up anyone who gave them a wave. Apparently, this is how the bus systems works in Nicaragua. We also saw a bunch of pick up trucks with railings surrounding the bed of the truck. "Why would a Toyota Tacoma need a 4 ft railing around it's bed," you ask? The answer is quite obvious, of course. When you have 10 people that need to go somewhere and only room in the cab for 3, the only option is to have the other 7 people (men, women, and children) stand up in the bed of the truck as you barrel down the road at 50 mph. Hopefully you can see this in the picture with Jess standing in the median of the highway.

We also got our first set of immunizations today. I believe I only got the first round of rabies prevention, but I couldn't really tell you. My mom and dad would be proud to know that I didn't even fight back. Our Peace Corps Medical Officers (PCMOs) also gave us an extensive first aid kid, malaria meds, and even a humongous DEET impregnated mosquito net. What more could a girl want!

So that's that. Below are a few select pictures. Let us know what you think.

This is Nicaragua out the window of our plane.

Here's Jess walking across her first Nicaraguan road. Right above her left temple is a truck with Nicaraguans hitching a ride.
Here's the hallway leading to rooms in our very nice hotel. Love it!

Peeping Jimmy here was trying to catch a glimpse through our shower window. Well, we didn't give him what he wanted...and he's still there. I'll call security in the morning if need be.


Anonymous said...

We are very happy to hear all is well in Nicaragua this first day! This blog could be a godsend for concerned parents and friends! Matthew, we are very proud that you did not faint when getting your shots.
I was excited to see a student commented to you. Lisa is a great person and very interested in scrapbooking!
Keep in touch when you can. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hooray! You got there in one piece!

I want to see a picture of the mosquito netting in action!

Those lizards are so damn pervy.

Anonymous said...

Mom just called to tell me about your message. I have to admit, what you are seeing reminds me of my days in CA during the early
80s. Good luck and keep us posted.
I, like Mom, was very glad to hear that you didn't faint or fight the shots. Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Nora can take shots better than me so Matt has my ultimate respect.
Glad you are there and getting your feet wet in your new life. The digs look nice indeed and I'm glad one of the commenters pointed out that it was a lizard in your shower cause I had no idea what I was looking at. No lizards in Glenville....
Talk soon!

Anonymous said...

Matt and Jess, glad you've arrived safely! Kinda jealous you flew on an A340! They aren't too common in most of the US!


Kyle said...


Anonymous said...

Matt and Jess - I'm Gwen's college roommate (Jess we met once). I've been to Nicaragua quite a few times to do humanitarian work in Waslala and can't wait for you to fall in love with Nicaragua. Enjoy your time there and good luck!

I'll be reading your blog from my desk in LA, wishing I was there too!

Anonymous said...

Hey kids!! So glad to hear from you. You know me, I'm the one who
worries the most! I'm glad you are there. Enjoyed reading this blog. Will be checking it and writing regularly. Dad also called me to let me know about your flight. Dave e-mailed dad.
Looks like I'm going to have to get better at the computer. Been doing my reading on Nicaragua and
listening to the Spanish CDs. Love Mom

Laura said...

Hey Guys!

I'm not a big "commenter," but I just wanted to let you know that I'm out here, reading. Everything looks beautiful. Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

Hey, sounds like things are going well so far! I'm glad I got to see you again this summer, Matt, and it was so good to meet you, Jess! Wishing you guys all the best,

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is my first time on your blog and I am so impressed! I will check often from now on. I'm so sorry to have not called and spoken to you both while you were at your mom's. I will write snail mail and send pictures. Your family in Oregon sends love. I am so excited for you both.

Anonymous said...

After all the anticipation and preparation, you must be thrilled to actually be there! I'm so excited for you, and I'm really looking forward to keeping up with your stories as this amazing journey unfolds. Love from Geneva -- I'll try to keep the city going until you get back for a visit!

June said...

With snow and cold here you guys definitely have the right idea. I just want to let all Pumpkin's friends and fans know that he is doing fine. He hasn't quite figured out what knuckleheads Belle and Stella are so he's still doing the Alpha-Male thing when they're around. They give him a pretty wide berth. He's taking it slowly but he really seems to like me and the feeling is mutual. It's nice to have a male cat in the house again. He loves for me to pet him and scratch under his chin. He even lets me pick him up. It's all about trust. He's a great purr machine. He's eating well and drinking plenty of water. I think it will take him some time to completely assimilate but I have every confidence that he will. So that's the scoop on Pumpkin. You both (and everyone else...) can rest easy.

I love your pictures. Hopefully I'll be able to send you some of Pumpkin and the other 2 redheads once they all realize it's cool to get along.

Be well and Safe, Jess & Matt. Pumpkin send his love too.


Uncle Bob said...

You should have taken the chess set. We found the Blog. First time on a Blog. It is a great idea. We belive what the 2 of you are doing is great. It is good to read your messages (Blogs). Maureen has recovered from her stay in the hospital.

Uncle Bob