The process began last weekend with a hunt around town to find a suitable mattress (‘mattress’ is a pretty loose term here; imagine a sac of material stuffed with foam, cardboard, paper – whatever is around and leftover). After a morning of hunting, haggling and chasing after Astro, we finally settled on a delightful pattern of Pooh (Winnie that is), accompanied by honey pots and bees. Quite classy.
The next step was to hunt down some wood. So we walked across town to the ‘Venta de Madera’ (the wood store) and bought enough to build our futon. Two gentlemen hanging around out front were nice enough to drive the wood to our house for the bargain price of $C60 (three dollars).
After visiting the only hardware shop open on Saturday afternoons, we were ready with all our materials – mattress, wood, nails, saw and hammer. We spent the better part of a day building the thing, but now we have a comfy place to sit!
Matt, cutting the wood on the back patio.

Astro...hard at work.

Me, measuring wood inside the house (in Nicaraguan fashion, it started to rain heavily after we started the project and we had to move it inside)
Astro and the giraffe...still hard at work.
Matt nailing.
Matt and Astro enjoying the fashionable futon :).
Great job you guys!!! Really proud
of your "GREAT" accomplishment with
the futon. Mathew, you're doing
O.K. for someone who doesn't know too much about woodworking, really
proud of you! John says, "it looks
like you have done an awesome job"
Keep up the work (we have lots of projects around here we need to do)!
Glad you found Astro. Maybe as
a Christmas present I will bring
him down a "tag" with his name and
address on it so it can be put on his collar.
Congratulations to you and Jess on becoming an Aunt and Uncle.
You two are terrific. What a team. I especially love the Disney touch!!
A package will be sent tomorrow with letters from the kids, some news clipping, goodies and a few other doodads (Megan made you something for Halloween and there is a gift to Adriana and Sophie.
We have still not seen Alex awake and we have seen him 4 times since he was born two weeks ago today. They say he is only awake when the house is quiet. We babysat Tuesday night and Erin and megan could not have made more noise. They were doing a fashion show of Disney princesses. Alex slept right through it soundly!!
Dad and I send hugs.
Love, Matthew's Mom
fabulous futon craftmanship! I love the pix! So sad you had to go through that with Astro, I would have been freaking out. I'm glad he made it back safe and sound. Miss you both! Love- Jolene
after seeing this post, I think Astro probably just felt like he needed to get away from the labor camp and rest for a while -- poor guy needed a vacation !!!
great project -- what's next ?!?
Hey guys! This is Laura Goodman from nica 40 (the one from near Geneva....NOW you remember me:) ). Nice job on that futon...I'm actually here on your blog because I can't find your email addresses. I'm headed down to somoto in january with another rpcv from palacaguina and ten eager grad students. Don't know if that chisme had reached you guys yet. We would love to solicit your assistance (have talked to Jeremy and Alison as well) in some of the logistical details of this whole thing (read: host families and what silais is working on there). Would you be able to shoot me an email at I promise i will bring you some kind of goodies from the u.s. Can't wait to meet your dog! Keep up the good work:)
Matt, I thought I got you some power tools for your wedding gift...
I'm gonna have to find some time next year to come down and visit you..and I might have to bring a big bag of little goodies from one of my employers...I think you could use them in any variety of ways!
Things are crazy here in Atlanta-between work and my increased social calendar (and some interest in a particular woman),it's no wonder I haven't taken the time to get my TV repaired...and it went out in June!
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