After 5 days of hard work drawing, cutting and pasting, my mural on Breastfeeding is complete! Today I hung it up in the Casa Materna, and kind of group home where women in their last days of pregnancy wait for the big day. The Casa Materna has a nurse on duty day and night, and has a direct line to the hospital, which sends an ambulance as soon as a woman goes into labor. It´s a great option for women living in the country who otherwise would be giving birth in their homes. The women can stay at the house for as long as they need to (normally 15 to 25 days). Their food and lodging is free, paid for by a Nicaraguan non-profit. The women also receive daily talks about nutrition, hygeine, and other things like breastfeeding.
I know my mom and her scrapbooking club would be very proud of this accomplishment. In fact, I´m dedicating this mural to her upcoming scrapbooking marathon. Go get em!

Astro, reaching his 5 month birthday on the 30th of May, has also begun improving his personal hygeine. Following in the style of Jess´ parents´ pets, Astro is now brushing his teeth nightly...all by himself. I, for one, have always believed that the Werders have a special way with animals, and it seems as though Jess also shares this incredible talent.
Hi Matt and Jess,
I've been following your adventures and am enjoying experiencing Nicaragua second hand so to speak. I had to laugh at your river crossing adventure. Here in Tucson the "rivers" are just dry creek beds most of the year except during winter rains and summer monsoons. Winter rains brought the rivers running from bank to bank and people being airlifted out of our local canyon because they couldn't cross the bridges. Have yet to see the summer monsoons. While grocery shopping is not third world here, I can understand your excitement about finding peanut butter and chocolate milk. I was excited to find some of my east coast brands when I arrived. And speaking of east coast, Jim and I are moving to Northampton, MA in August. New job for Jim and closer to some good friends. Astro is adorable and I wish you many good years with your new friend.
Mary Lou Splain
Astro is so cute! It sounds like you two are really doing well; we talk about you often here in SYR!!!
Cutest dog ever. Lucky him to be living with two awesome owners!
Happy belated anniversary!
Matt, looks like you've been away from the computer for too long...just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday for 23 June!!
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